During the year, Dalplex offers National Lifeguard certification courses to our comminity.
National Lifeguard - Pool certification
The National Lifeguard - Pool certification is a legal certificate for lifeguarding recognized throughout Canada. This course builds on teaching related to water rescue and first aid response skills from prerequisite courses. Candidates are educated on how to prevent emergency situations from occuring in and out of the water, as well as how to use their skills optimally when emergencies do occur. To pass the course, candidates must pass both the physical skill component and effectively respond to instructor-examined situations components (simulated emergency scenarios).
Length: 60-hour course (examination may require additional time)
Prerequisites: 15 years of age, completed Bronze Cross certification (does not need to be current), Intermediate First Air & CPR-C certification (does not need to be current)
National Lifeguard - Pool Re-certification
The National Lifeguard - Pool certification is a legal certificate for lifeguarding recognized throughout Canada. To remain certified, National Lifeguards must successfully complete a recertification exam every two years. During the recertification, guards have an opportunity to practice and be tested on lifeguarding skills and situations related to a pool environment by a NLS instructor/examiner. Recertifications can take up to 4 hours depending on how many participants enroll. Please bring a towel, bathing suit and whistle.
Prerequisites: Must have previously completed the full NLS Pool certification course. If NLS Pool certification is expired, you must complete recertification within two years of expiry.