» Go to news mainAthletics facilities closing
Valued Dalplex students, members and community,
In accordance with Nova Scotia Public Health’s recent announcement to close all fitness and recreational facilities in the central region of Nova Scotia, Dalhousie University is closing Dalplex, and Studley Gym as of 11:00pm, Thursday, April 22, 2021 until at least May 20, 2021. Sexton Gym remains closed as does Wickwire Field which is currently undergoing re-surfacing.
The tennis courts will be open for use - appointments are not required.
All facility rentals will also be suspended until further notice.
Dalhousie Physiotherapy Clinic
The Dalhousie Physiotherapy Clinic remains open and will continue both in-person and virtual physiotherapy care. Please contact for additional information.
What does this mean for your membership?
Community membership privileges will be extended for the length of the closure (currently set at four weeks). Monthly membership payments will continue to be debited.
We are committed to keeping our students and valued members up to date as we continue to navigate this unprecedented situation and will share any new information as it becomes available.
We hope you continue to stay active and encourage you to follow our social media accounts for some tips on being healthy while practicing social distancing. You can also check out our Free at Home Workouts page for some workouts.
Thank you for your patience and understanding, we hope to see you soon!
For more on Dalhousie University’s response visit For the latest information on Novel Coronavirus (COVID 19) from trusted sources, please visit the Public Health Agency of Canada and Nova Scotia Public Health websites.
Dalplex & Sexton Gym