» Go to news mainDalhousie University mask mandate
Valued members,
Dalhousie University has announced that effective Friday, June 10, 2022, its mask guidance will change to align with that of Nova Scotia more broadly.
This means that masks will no longer be formally required in indoor spaces on campus, including athletic facilities.
While no longer required, we welcome members to continue to wear masks while in our facilities except while engaged in physical activity. We encourage you to take the appropriate steps to support your individual health and respect the decisions made by our staff and your fellow members and user groups with regards to their personal health decisions.
Masks will still be required at the Dalhousie Physiotherapy Clinic in Dalplex, Student Health and Wellness clinics in Halifax and Truro, and the Dalhousie Dental Clinic.
We will continue to consult closely with Nova Scotia Public Health and will be prepared to re-implement enhanced COVID safety measures in the future if required.
Please continue to stay home if you feel unwell, get tested if you have symptoms of COVID-19, and get vaccinated/boosted as vaccines are available to you. For the latest information and instruction on all these topics, visit the Nova Scotia Health website.